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✦ - P I X E L  A R T - ✦

✦ - Base Price - ✦
[Per character]
Headshot: $125
Waist-up/Chibi: $175 USD
Fullbody: $250 USD

✦ - Additions - ✦
Commercial Use: +50%
Complex Design: +$20~$50

✦ - Background - ✦
Simple/No BG: FREE
Medium BG: +$50 [e.g. Sky, water]
Complex BG: +$150
[e.g. Forest, beach, mountain]
Super Detailed BG: (Ask First) [e.g. Cathedral]

✦ - Animation - ✦
Simple animation - $10 to $50 USD per animation
Difficult animation - Ask first
(Animation is not my strength, so I may not be able to do overly complex ones like running/jumping.)

✦ - NOTE - ✦
You will get both the original size AND a sized-up version of the pixel art!

If you purchase commercial use and would like to use a pixel scene as a starting/ending screen, I will provide you with a 1920x1080 GIF version. You have my permission to convert the GIF to other file types if you need them!

UrielSprite (1).gif
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